
Welcome to my blog! I started this Blog to write my ideas, share useful tips with others and just have fun. You’ll find posts related to computing, hardware, Linux, BSD and just about any software or system I find interesting. Ocassionally, I might touch other random topics.

Why I started this website?

It would be much easier to start blogging one of the big platforms like Medium, or Substack. Why bother starting your own blog? The answer is (at least for me), that these platforms have became increasingly bloated, filled with ads and poisoned by monetization. Google prefers the big sites and publishers and valuable knowledge hidden on simple html/css websites, forums and other “obscure” places becomes hidden.

That doesn’t mean small websites and self-hosted blogs are disappearing. On the contrary, these blogs are seeing a renaissance. You can explore the world of these websites on a search engine This classic web search engine focuses on old websites and pure html/css sites. You can find many hidden gems there!

How is this blog managed? The content is written in Markdown and converted to html using local page generator Hugo. I won’t be using AI to make this text “fresh and engaging” nor spend hours to endlessly fine tune it to perfection. This means you’ll find some imperfection here and there, but after all it’s the imperfection that makes it real and human.