Welcome to my blog! I started this site to write my ideas, share useful tips with others and just have fun. You’ll find posts related to computing, hardware, Linux, BSD and just about any software or system I find interesting. Occasionally, I might touch other random topics. I chose to blog under a nickname mainly to go back to to 00s internet vibes. Despite using nicknames, people often knew each other. I always had that warm feeling, when a friend’s nickname appeared on IRC, Forum or IM client (for those of you, who remember). I might expand this post as I see fit, for now it’s quite short to get things started.
Why did I bother with starting my own website? The short answer is I want to have full control over my content and a clean site without ads and distractions.
Most of the content here is written in Markdown and converted to html using local page generator Hugo. I use ordinary text editor to write most of these lines*. The generated content is uploaded to my site by a simple script or ftp client. The advantage of this is that it automatically generates rss feed and allows me to choose froma various themes, or make my own.
Lastly, I won’t be using AI to make this text “fresh and engaging” nor spend hours to endlessly fine tune it to perfection. This means you’ll likely find mistakes here and there, but after all it’s the imperfection that makes it real and human.
*(Extra)ordinary, to be precise.